logo riva

Pierre-Yves Marzin - La Croix

Community Police of Guerrero

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Paris Match

Spain, occupied lands in Andalucia

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Spain, Portrait of Mar Grandal pro abortion activist

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Die Tageszeitung

Mexico, Indigenous police force of Guerrero

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Paris Match

Comunity police of Guerrero State - Story produced by the Photoreporter Festival of St-Brieuc.

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Portrait of Ana Pastor, spanish journalist

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Le Temps

The new rural trend in Spain

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Portraits of recession in Madrid

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Mexico: the Huichol Indians’ struggle

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Los Nimis - Spain's penniless generation

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Le Temps

Mexico: The Relampago vigilantes

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Mexico: Sheriffs against Police

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Spain: Prisa media group crisis

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Le Temps

Luz, saudade of a town under water

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Luz, a town under water

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

French exiles reclaim their Spanish roots

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Paraguay: the fight against transgenic crops

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Paraguay: portrait of Alfredo Stroessner

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Spain: Crisis in Villacañas

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Internazionale

Spain: Portrait of Jaume Roures

Pierre-Yves Marzin - Libération

Spain: unemployed African workers
