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Caption : Yasmina Cherfi organise une seance de depistage contre le COVID 19, par le biais de "l'Association Sept", au sein d'un ilot populaire du quartier de l'Estaque a Marseille, le 16 decembre 2021. Une femme attend le resultat de son test alors qu'un benevole de "L'Association Sept" lui propose du gel hydroalcoolique. ***** Yasmina Cherfi organizes a screening session against COVID 19, in a popular area of Estaque district in the northern part Marseille on December 16, 2021. These prevention actions are organized through "L'association Sept". A woman waits for her test result while a volunteer from "L'Association Sept" offers her hydroalcoholic gel. ***** PHOTO : CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / RIVA PRESS.

Photographer : Clément Mahoudeau

Date created : 16-12-2021


Region :

Country : FRANCE

Keywords : ACTION DE PREVENTION, Agé, Aide, alone, coronavirus, covid, Covid 19, Covid-19, Crise, crisis, deconfinement, DESERT MEDICAL, Elderly, ENTRAIDE, epidemic, epidemie, FFP, France, gel hydroalcoolique, Health, healthcare, hydroalcoholic gel, LA PROVENCE ALPES COTE D AZUR, loneliness, Marseille, Mask, Masque, MASQUE DE PROTECTION RESPIRATOIRE, MASQUER, MEDIATEUR SOCIAL, mediation, PACA, Pandemic, Pandémie, Patient, pauvre, Pauvrete, pensioners, Personne agee, POPULAR HOUSING, precaire, precariousness, Precarite, PRECARITY, quartier nord, quartier populaire, quartiers nord, quartiers populaires, retired, Retirement, retraite, Retraites, sanitaire, Santé, sante publique, Senior, seul, Social, Societe, society, Soignant, Soignants, Solidaire, Solidarite, solidarity, solitude, test, Virus