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Caption : Toulouse, le 12 mars 2020 - Antoine Maurice (2eD), candidat a la mairie de Toulouse pour la liste Archipel Citoyen (regroupant notamment les ecologistes et La France Insoumise) pour les elections municipales 2020 et son equipe regardent sur un telephone portable la declaration televisee d'Emmanuel Macron a propos de l'epidemie de coronavirus Covid-19 qui s'intensifie en France, menacant la tenue des elections municipales. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press ***
*** Toulouse ( FRANCE), March 12, 2020 - Antoine MAURICE (2dR), the ecologist candidate for the local elections in Toulouse (south-west of France) on the Archipel Citoyen list (ecologists and left wing La France Insoumise) and members of his team watch on a mobile phone the French president Emmanuel Marcon' televised statement on the coronavirus epidemic that spread in France. PHOTO: Vincent NGUYEN / Riva Press

Photographer : Vincent Nguyen

Date created : 12-03-2020

City : Toulouse

Region :

Country : France

Keywords : Antoine Maurice, Archipel Citoyen, coronavirus, Covid 19, Covid-19, Déclaration, Ecologist, Ecologistes, EE-LV, EELV, elections municipales, Emmanuel Macron, epidemia, epidemic, epidemie, Europe Ecologie Les Verts, gauche, La France insoumise, Left wing, LFI, Politics, Politique, Président de la République, statement, television